Thursday 12 September 2024
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The Town and the Municipality of Wolbórz

Wolbórz is a charming urban-rural municipality (Polish “gmina”) located in central Poland in the Lodz region and belongs to the  Piotrkowskie county. It boasts its regained city charter since 2011.One of the major assets of the city is its convenient location – near the route 8, which links Warsaw with southern cities of Wroclaw and Katowice  (so-called " fast lane route " ). The area of the municipality, consisting of the town with surrounding villages and countryside, is 151 km2. It is inhabited approximately by 7.7 thousand of people dwelling in 37 villages.

The town and the municipality of Wolbórz offers a variety of  tourist attractions including historical sites and natural wonders. Cycling lovers can take a cycling lane, consisting of several routes  running around the Zalew Sulejowski – an artifical lake. One of the routes starts in the center of Wolbórz - on Jagiello Square, where the statue of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski is located.  Born in 1503 in Wolbórz, Modrzewski is the most acknowledged town citizen, as well as one of the most outstanding thinkers and reformers of the Polish Renaissance.

There are also many hiking trails within the municipality which run through forest areas of the nature reserve. Nature lovers can also find many nature monuments among which you can admire the pride of Wolbórz – an alley lined with several 250 -year-old lime trees. The alley leads to the Bishop’s Palace, which is currently a home to the upper-secondary school unit.
 The oldest building in the town is a fifteenth-century St. Nicholas the Bishop’s collegiate – a catholic church, which is now the seat of the local parish. Annually, the church holds a  summer festival of classical music ,which brings well-known Polish and foreign artists here.

Another site worth visiting in Wolbórz is the Historical and Educational Museum of Lodz Region, where many exhibits representing the rich heritage of the area are displayed.  The museum collection includes the exhibits found during the digging works as well as handcraft, folk art,  and  invaluable possessions of the local fire brigade, which date from the nineteenth century. 
The most popular tourist attraction is the Zalew Sulejowski and the surrounding Sulejowski Landscape Park, which offers an excellent opportunities for leisure activities like sailing, surfing and fishing. You can also relax in a wellness and spa, offered by  the Magellan Hotel Resort situated by the lake.
For more , visit the nearby village of Bogusławice, which provide excellent facilities for horse riding. It  is a home to a local Riding Club, members of which are successful in many horse riding disciplines like horse jumping, horse cart riding or dressage.
The municipality of Wolbórz offers a lot of free investment areas. The local authorities are very helpful to investors by facilitating investment procedures and assisting with the investment process.

  The Town and the Municipality of Wolbórz


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